Creating or updating datasets and resources

This extension adds several new mandatory and optional properties. A Postman collection is available that includes examples on how to communicate with a CKAN installation that uses ckanext-dcatdonl.

Below several examples are given on how to interact with CKAN.

Minimum dataset creation request

(POST) {{CKAN_HOST}}/api/3/action/package_create

    "owner_org":                "{{ORG_ID}}",
    "identifier":               "",
    "name":                     "mijndataset1",
    "title":                    "mijndataset1",
    "notes":                    "De omschrijving van mijndataset1!",
    "metadata_language":        "",
    "authority":                "'s-Hertogenbosch",
    "publisher":                "",
    "contact_point_name":       "John Doe",
    "license_id":               "",
    "language":                 [
    "theme":                    [
    "modified":                 "2018-04-11T09:00:00"

Full dataset creation request

(POST) {{CKAN_HOST}}/api/3/action/package_create

    "owner_org":                "{{ORG_ID}}",
    "identifier":               "",
    "alternate_identifier":     [
    "language":                 [
    "source_catalog":           "",
    "authority":                "'s-Hertogenbosch",
    "publisher":                "",
    "contact_point_email":      "",
    "contact_point_address":    "Straatnaam 12, 1234AB, Amsterdam",
    "contact_point_name":       "John Doe",
    "contact_point_phone":      "020 - 1234567",
    "contact_point_website":    "",
    "contact_point_title":      "",
    "access_rights":            "",
    "url":                      "",
    "conforms_to":              [
    "related_resource":         [
    "source":                   [
    "version":                  "1.0",
    "has_version":              [
    "is_version_of":            [
    "legal_foundation_ref":     "art-1",
    "legal_foundation_uri":     "",
    "legal_foundation_label":   "De wet!",
    "frequency":                "",
    "provenance":               [
    "sample":                   [
    "license_id":               "",
    "name":                     "mijndataset1",
    "title":                    "mijndataset1",
    "notes":                    "De omschrijving van mijndataset1!",
    "tags":                     [
                                    { "name": "mijn" },
                                    { "name": "dataset" },
                                    { "name": "een" },
                                    { "name": "Den Bosch" },
                                    { "name": "CBS" }
    "metadata_language":        "",
    "theme":                    [
    "modified":                 "2018-04-11T09:00:00",
    "spatial_scheme":           [
    "spatial_value":            [
    "temporal_label":           "Jaar 2017",
    "temporal_start":           "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
    "temporal_end":             "2017-12-31T23:59:00",
    "dataset_status":           "",
    "date_planned":             "2018-01-11T13:29:00",
    "high_value":               "True",
    "basis_register":           "False",
    "referentie_data":          "True"

Minimum resource creation request

(POST) {{CKAN_HOST}}/api/3/action/resource_create

    "package_id":               "{{ PACKAGE_ID }}",
    "name":                     "myresource1",
    "url":                      "",
    "description":              "My dataset description",
    "metadata_language":        "",
    "format":                   "",
    "language":                 "",
    "license_id":               ""

Full resource creation request

(POST) {{CKAN_HOST}}/api/3/action/resource_create

    "package_id":               "{{ PACKAGE_ID }}",
    "name":                     "myresource1",
    "url":                      "",
    "description":              "My dataset description",
    "metadata_language":        "",
    "format":                   "",
    "language":                 "",
    "license_id":               "",
    "linked_schemas":           "",
    "size":                     1234567890,
    "download_url":             "",
    "mimetype":                 "",
    "release_date":             "2017-12-31T15:16:00",
    "rights":                   "",
    "status":                   "",
    "modification_date":        "2018-01-03T12:09:00",
    "hash":                     "dfuyhdf;lgkjlwwriyuwefhsdkf",
    "hash_algorithm":           "SHA1",
    "documentation":            ""